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Employment Law Attorneys in Dayton, Ohio

Whether you're an employer seeking compliance guidance or an employee looking to protect your rights, Duwel Law is here for you. With decades of experience guiding employees and employers through employment law matters in Ohio, our firm in Dayton, Ohio serves clients throughout Montgomery County, Miami County, Greene County, Darke County, and Warren County.  

At Duwel Law, we are committed to upholding workplace rights and providing knowledgeable legal support, helping both employers and employees achieve their goals in a fair and just work environment. Contact our firm today to discuss your case and learn how we can help. 

Wage and Hour Laws 

Wage and hour laws govern the minimum wage, overtime pay, record-keeping requirements, and child labor standards. At Duwel Law, our firm is adept at handling disputes related to unpaid wages, misclassification of employees, and violations of overtime provisions. 

We work closely with our clients to address any wage and hour issues they may face, whether through litigation or negotiation.

Our deep understanding of both federal and state wage laws enables us to provide accurate and effective legal solutions. At Duwel Law, your wage and hour concerns are managed by professionals who prioritize your needs and legal rights. 

Healthy and Safe Workplaces 

A healthy and safe workplace is fundamental to the well-being of employees and the efficiency of any business. Our firm is dedicated to advising on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and other safety standards to promote a secure working environment.

We assist employers in developing robust safety policies and procedures that comply with legal requirements and mitigate risks. 

In cases where workplace safety has been compromised, our experienced attorneys are prepared to advocate for affected workers. We handle cases involving workplace injuries, toxic exposures, and unsafe working conditions. At Duwel Law, we believe that every employee deserves a safe workplace and every employer benefits from fostering this environment. 

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Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Protections 

Discrimination and harassment have no place in today’s workplace. At Duwel Law, we are staunch advocates for equality and respect, believing that all employees should be treated fairly regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or other protected characteristics.

We provide guidance on compliance with anti-discrimination laws and help develop policies that promote inclusivity. 

Our attorneys have extensive experience in representing clients in cases of workplace discrimination and harassment. We offer thorough investigations, strategic litigation, and mediation services to resolve these sensitive issues.  

Protected Leave 

Certain situations necessitate taking leave from work, and the laws surrounding protected leave allow employees to attend to personal and family matters without fear of losing their jobs. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and other state-specific regulations provide these critical protections.  

At Duwel Law, we assist employers in implementing compliant leave policies and managing leave requests effectively. We also provide representation for employees in cases where protected leave rights have been violated.

Our commitment is to foster workplaces where the balance between professional obligations and personal needs is respected and legally upheld. 

Retaliation and Wrongful Termination 

Retaliation and wrongful termination can have devastating effects on an individual’s career and well-being. At Duwel Law, we are dedicated to protecting our clients from unjust employment practices.

Retaliation occurs when an employer punishes an employee for engaging in legally protected activities, such as filing a complaint or participating in an investigation. Wrongful termination involves firing an employee in violation of their legal rights or employment agreement. 

Our skilled attorneys meticulously investigate claims of retaliation and wrongful termination, providing vigorous representation to seek justice. We understand the profound impact these issues can have and are committed to holding employers accountable for unlawful actions. 

Get Professional Legal Guidance 

Facing employment law issues can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Duwel Law, our experienced attorneys are here to provide you with knowledgeable, personalized legal guidance.

Whether you're an employee grappling with workplace challenges or an employer seeking to ensure compliance and prevent disputes, our firm can provide the support you need. 

We pride ourselves on being a reliable resource, offering detailed consultations and dedicated representation tailored to your specific situation. Let us help you understand your rights, responsibilities, and options every step of the way. 

Ohio Employment Law FAQs

What is the minimum wage in Ohio? 

As of 2024, the minimum wage in Ohio is $10.10 per hour for non-tipped employees and $5.05 per hour for tipped employees. These rates are subject to annual adjustments based on inflation.

An employment law attorney can help you receive the correct wages and assist with any disputes. Reach out to Duwel Law for guidance on your wage rights. 

Are there any exceptions to the minimum wage law? 

Yes, certain employees such as minors under the age of 16, workers with disabilities, and others may be paid less than the standard minimum wage under specific conditions. If you believe you are being unfairly paid, an employment law attorney can review your situation and provide legal advice.  

What are the overtime pay requirements in Ohio? 

Ohio follows federal overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Employees must be paid time and a half for any hours worked over 40 in a workweek unless they are exempt under FLSA criteria. An employment law attorney can help clarify your eligibility for overtime pay and address any discrepancies.  

What are the rules regarding meal and rest breaks? 

Ohio law does not require employers to provide meal or rest breaks for employees aged 18 and older. However, if an employer does offer breaks, they must follow federal guidelines by compensating for breaks lasting 20 minutes or less. If you have questions about your break entitlements, an employment law attorney can provide clarity and support.  

What is the "at-will" employment doctrine? 

Ohio is an "at-will" employment state, meaning that employers can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, except for illegal reasons (e.g., discrimination, retaliation), and without warning, unless there is a contract specifying otherwise. An employment law attorney can help you understand your rights and options if you face wrongful termination.  

What protections exist against employment discrimination? 

Ohio law prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age, and ancestry. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) enforces these protections. If you experience discrimination at work, an employment law attorney can help you file a complaint and seek justice.  

What should an employee do if they face workplace harassment or discrimination? 

Employees should report the incident to their HR department or supervisor. They can also file a complaint with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

An employment law attorney can guide you through the complaint process and advocate on your behalf. Reach out to Duwel Law for help with workplace harassment or discrimination issues. 

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? 

The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for certain family and medical reasons. This applies to employers with 50 or more employees.

If you need assistance understanding or applying for FMLA leave, an employment law attorney can provide the necessary legal support.  

What are the rules regarding final paychecks? 

When an employee leaves a job, Ohio law requires that they receive their final paycheck by the next regularly scheduled payday. There are no state-specific provisions beyond this general rule.

If you encounter issues with your final paycheck, an employment law attorney can help resolve the matter.  

Are there any protections for whistleblowers in Ohio? 

Yes, Ohio law protects employees who report illegal activities or unsafe working conditions from retaliation. Employees who face retaliation can file a complaint with the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation or take legal action.

An employment law attorney can provide guidance and representation if you face retaliation for whistleblowing.  

Employment Lawyers Serving Dayton, Ohio

Our commitment to excellence and client-focused approach set us apart. We invite you to contact us for a consultation and discover how our professional services can benefit you. Take the first step towards resolving your employment law issues with confidence. Contact Duwel Law today.