Strong Legal Guidance For Employees & Businesses SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION


Protecting Your Interests in a Partnership Dissolution

Dissolving a business partnership can be as complex and nuanced as starting one. At Duwel Law, we've spent the last 50 years helping business owners protect their interests and gathered valuable insights along the way.

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Understanding Ohio’s Unfair Competition Law

The law aims to protect businesses and consumers by prohibiting deceptive and unfair practices. This includes, but is not limited to, false advertising, trademark infringement, and unauthorized use of trade secrets.

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What You Need to Know About Tortious Interference

In Ohio, as in many states, tortious interference is recognized as a legal claim that arises when one party unlawfully interferes with the contractual or business relationships of another party.

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Understanding Securities Fraud Claims

Investments are important for financial growth and stability; however, the world of securities is not always as straightforward as it seems. Unfortunately, it can also be a playground for fraudulent activities.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Options

We understand. Becoming entangled in legal disputes can feel like venturing into uncharted territory – it's intimidating, stressful, and often complex. Whether you're an individual facing a personal disagreement or a business caught in a contractual dispute, it can seem like a mountainous challenge.

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Dispelling Business Formation Myths

Starting a business is always both exciting and intimidating. Even though there is plenty of information on business formation available online, it can be too overwhelming to get started on the right foot.

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What Are the Elements of a Breach of Contract Claim?

When two or more parties or entities are involved in a transaction, contracts are often established to outline the terms and conditions of the agreement. The contract helps describe the responsibilities and contractual obligations of each party to the agreement.

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Important Steps to Take When Your Business Is Being Sued

Running a business opens up the owner or owners to civil liabilities. If a customer slips and is injured on your premises, you could be liable for personal injury. If you fail to deliver on a contractual arrangement, you could find yourself in court over breach of contract. Employees too may even sue you for violations of their rights, perhaps for discrimination or retaliation.

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Understanding Pregnancy Disability Leave in Ohio

If you’re an employee who is pregnant or looking to adopt a child, there are programs that will allow leave time for the birth or adoption. Depending on the size of the business for which you work, different federal and state laws may apply. The grandaddy of all these laws is the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), but an employer must have 50 or more employees on the payroll within a 75-mile radius to fall under FMLA’s umbrella.

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What Disability Accommodations Must an Employer Provide?

Just because a person has a disability does not mean they are not entitled to employment. Fortunately, there are laws in place that provide employment protections to people with disabilities.

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